English translation in italics see below.

Mach Mut

Mein künstlerisches Projekt, das im Jahr 2014 entstand:
Zeichnungen, die die Geschichte "Mach Mut" von Nadja Zerdick illustrieren

Mammutidee, genähte Mammuts und erzählte Geschichte von Nadja Zerdick.
Zeichnungen und Buchgestaltung von Ute Andresen.
Eine herzerwärmende Geschichte vom kleinen Mammut Edelmut, das seine Lebensaufgabe findet.

Mach Mut - das Büchlein

8,95 €

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My artistical project, that develeopped in 2014.
Drawings illustrating the story "Mach Mut" by Nadja Zerdick.




It is impossible to translate this story because it is based on the pun with the German words "mach mut" which means "encourage" and the word "Mammut" which means "mammoth" . There are certain words in german ending with the syllable "mut", all with very very different meanings. And "Mut" as a single word means "courage". So in the story there are different mammoths all with names ending on the syllable "mut"  meaning "courage". And in the center of the story there is the little mammoth girl "Edelmut" which means "nobleness" searching for her own mission in life. With courage - sure.